Dutch Bros Coffee was founded in Grants Pass, Oregon, in 1992. Since the very beginning, Dutch Bros has focused strongly on company culture. This can be seen in every aspect of the company, from interactions with customers to social media posts and events. This culture had a positive impact on me at the start of my career and taught me a lot about teamwork.

Dutch Bros COFFEE



Nov 2017 -

Social Media Team Member

Feb 2019

When I worked for Dutch Bros East Vancouver, they had three locations: Camas, 192nd, and 138th. I took shifts as a barista at all three locations and promoted each on our social media pages. Dutch Bros taught me a lot about customer service skills and gave me an excellent opportunity to build my portfolio in a professional space. My primary focus on the social media team was video projects. Some videos I created include grand opening announcements, interviews with our baristas, and event videos. Check them out below!

Barista and Social Media Team



Dec 2018

This is a short teaser I created to promote the grand opening of the Dutch Bros Camas stand. The video's intro features the camas paper mill, mount hood, a Dutch Bros stand, and the iconic windmill. I created these elements in Illustrator, animated them in After Effects, and did the finishing touches in Premiere.


Kyle - Jan 2018

The Meet Your Broista series is something the social media team and I created to give customers a more personal connection with the people they see in our stands every day. These videos consist of clips from interviews conducted in the Dutch Bros East Vancouver Warehouse cut between in-stand b-roll shots.


Brett - June 2018

This is the second video we created in the Meet Your Broista series. This video could have benefited from better audio equipment in the interview portion, but our equipment budget was pretty low at the time. Even still, I’m happy with how this video turned out and am especially proud of some of the more creative shots, such as the intro, in which a drink is filmed being poured into a cup from the bottom.


July 2018

Dutch Bros East Vancouver put on an annual summer solstice block party. This video is a highlight reel of that event and features some sponsors including local radio station Live 95.5, Dippin’ Dots, and a US Navy booth.